Parochial & Audit Reports

Diocese of Long Island
Posted by Teddy Byrne

Parochial Reports


The Parochial Report collects information on attendance, baptisms, marriages, confirmations, burials, property, expenditures and more at parishes across the Episcopal Church. This yearly report is the official data-gathering instrument of the Church. It is the collective responsibility of the vestry and rector of each parish to  collect and submit this information. - Episcopal Dictionary of the Church 

Filing your 2024 Parochial Report

The 2024 Parochial Reports are due online NO LATER THAN March 1 for all congregations. Timely submission of parochial reports are required to be seated at the 2025 diocesan convention. Bishop Provenzano will NOT be waiving this requirement. In order to have seat and voice at the special convention for electing the Ninth Bishop of Long Island in Spring 2026, delegates must have seat and voice at THIS November's diocesan convention.

A note on Revenue: In the context of the parochial report, revenue refers to all funds that contribute to the operating budget. This includes, but is not limited to, plate offerings, pledged donations, investment income, rental income, and property sales. Construction costs are not considered part of the operating budget and should be categorized as capital improvements.

For more information and to file, please visit the General Convention webpage with complete instructions. 

If you have any questions, contact Camlyn Gravesande. 


2024 Audit Reports

Audit Reports are due September 1st.


Annual audits are required by the canons of The Episcopal Church for all parishes, missions, and other institutions like the Diocese of Long Island. The primary purpose of the audit is to ensure that financial statements are fairly stated, meaning cash, expenses, and investment funds are stated correctly for any given year. 

Any person handling the money or investments of the church needs an audit to protect the church assets and themselves against suspicions of mishandling of those assets. By having an audit done on an annual basis, it gives confidence to the congregation and helps boost individual tithing. In addition, an announcement to the congregation that audit has been completed successfully reveals that all monies and investments are properly accounted for.

Who can do the audits?

The canons permit audits to be completed by an independent certified public accountant or by an audit committee as shall be authorized by the finance committee, department of finance, or other appropriate diocesan authority. 

The audit committee is made up of a minimum of three members. Audit committee members should be independent of the decision-making and financial record keeping of the church. At least one member should be a financial expert. An example of a financial expert is someone who knows how to balance a checkbook or preferably has professional experience in the finance sector. 

The person who submits the final audit report to the diocese should be the member who is considered the financial expert. This will make it easier to work with the diocesan finance department should any questions regarding the report arise. For more information regarding the audit process, please consult the Manual of Business Methods in Church Affairs, available by clicking on THIS LINK.

Forms you will need:

Other references: 

Submitting your audit report to the Bishop's Office

You will need a signed audit certificate in addition to your balance sheet and income sheet before submitting your completed report to the diocese. Please combine them together into a single PDF before starting the submission process. If you need help combining PDF files, you can easily combine them by using this free tool from Adobe: MERGE PDFs. 

Once you have all of your documents ready, please CLICK HERE to complete the Audit Report Submission Form.


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