The Diocesan Altar Guild (DAG), now in its 88th year, has a two-fold purpose. First, it is responsible for assisting at Diocesan liturgies, including those at the annual convention. Second, the DAG has the happy responsibility of aiding and strengthening the ministries of the people who comprise the altar guilds of individual parishes. One of the benefits of being part of a diocese rather than just a congregation is that we can do more together than we can as individual guilds. 

The Diocesan Altar Guild is led by a dedicated executive board who are available for counsel, training, and hand-on assistance.    


Diocesan Altar Guild members making a presentation on the handling of candles

Workshop Days

Each year, the Diocesan Altar Guild Board offers at least one hands-on workshop day for training and expanding knowledge about the myriad things that altar guild members do from week to week, including caring for precious metals and linens, deepening our understanding of the Church year, new member recruitment, and more. 

Diocesan Altar Guild Presentation

Advent Quiet Day

The Diocesan Altar Guild board also offers an annual Advent Quiet Day during which we gather for an intentional day of prayer, contemplation, and worship led by one of our bishops or another well-known speaker. 

Vestments hanging up

Vestment Exchanges

The DAG offers a vestment exchange at Diocesan Convention where clergy and Altar Guild members can swap liturgical items. We present newly ordained deacons with an altar guild manual, and newly ordained priests with handmade visitation stoles. 

The Seedling


The DAG produces a quarterly newsletter, The Seedling, which contains articles primarily aimed at altar guild members, but is of interest to many members of the Church. Visit our news section at the bottom of the page for more! 

Atlar Guild Members gather for prayer

Prayers for Altar Guild Members 

God of Peace, you know both the delights and distractions of our   ever-changing world and  busy lives. Grant that, as your Son Jesus Christ taught your friends Mary and Martha to strive for balance in work and reflection, we who rejoice in serving your altar may find that balance in our own lives and may always be listening for your words and serve you with glad hearts and peaceful minds for the building up of your body, the Church, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen   

O God, you accepted the service of Levites in your temple, and your Son was pleased to accept the loving service of his friends: Bless our ministry and give us grace, that we, caring for the vessels and vestments of your worship and the adornment of your sanctuary, may make the place of your presence glorious; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Gracious God, bless your Church and all who minister at the altar and care for sacred vessels and linens. Give us an awareness of beauty and mindfulness in holy places that we may enable others to worship and set forward the coming of your Kingdom, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen