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May 6, 2024 | Time: 6pm - 12pm
Clergy are invited to this annual retreat at the oceanfront Allegria Hotel for a time of reflection, prayer, and fellowship.
Tags:For Clergy
Clergy are invited to this annual retreat at the oceanfront Allegria Hotel for a time of reflection, prayer, and fellowship.
Registration Fees
- Early Bird Commuter (No Hotel - April 12 Deadline) – $315.00
- Early Bird Full Package (includes two-night hotel stay - April 12 deadline) – $415.00
- Commuter (No Hotel) – $340.00
- Full Package (includes two-night-hotel stay) – $450.00
*If you wish to pay by check, please reach out to bishopsoffice@dioceseli.org.
Respecting the needs of our clergy to have retreat time free of other obligations and distractions, we are prepared to alleviate the hardship of child care expenses of clergy families by reimbursing all or partial portions of the cost. Please contact Michelle McLeod for reimbursement. MMcLeod@dioceseli.org or (516) 248-4800 ext. 132.