Discernment Day

"Discernment Day - March 1, 2025" Image: A silhouette of a woman praying near the water at sunset
Discover Your Calling in the Episcopal Church!
Contact Information
Pam Gravesande

Attention clergy and those exploring a call to ordained ministry: Discernment Day is intended to help those who feel called to ordained ministry better understand that call, to explain the logistics of the discernment process, and, should you choose to enter a deeper exploration, to prepare you to work more effectively with a discernment committee.

Are you a parishioner feeling called? Reach out to your priest to determine whether participating in Discernment Day would be the appropriate next step.

Are you a priest with a parishioner who has expressed in interest in ordained ministry? Be sure to mark your calendar for March 1st.

Registration for Discernment Day is now open. Please complete this registration form and email it to Pam Gravesande by February 11th.