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June 2, 2024 | Time: 4:30pm - 6pm
Holy Apostles, Brooklyn joyfully share news of the Institution of the Rev. Kimberlee Auletta and the Rev. Sarah Kooperkamp as co-rectors.
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The Wardens and Vestry of Holy Apostles, Brooklyn joyfully share news of the Institution of the Rev. Kimberlee Auletta and the Rev. Sarah Kooperkamp as co-rectors of the parish.
The Rt. Rev. Lawrence C. Provenzano, will preside.
Due to limited capacity, anyone outside of the parish who would like to attend is asked to RSVP at: info@holyapostlesbrooklyn.com
About the Rev. Kimberlee Auletta and the Rev. Sarah Kooperkamp
Since January 2017, Holy Apostles has been served by priests Mother Sarah & Mother Kimberlee who have entered into a covenant of shared leadership as co-rectors. They pray together and work together for the good of God’s Kingdom. They met as seminarians at Union Theological Seminary. They are both native New Yorkers and Mets fans.