Working Lunch for Clergy with Curates

A blue graphic from the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island featuring the diocesan shield logo at the top center. Below the logo, large white text reads, “Working Lunch for Clergy with Curates,” followed by the date and time in smaller white text: “Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 10 AM – 1:00 PM.” Gold corner accents frame the design.
Bishop Lawrence C. Provenzano invites clergy in the diocese who have curates to a special gathering on Tuesday, May 20, from 10:00 AM to 1:0
Contact Information
The Rev. Cn. Landon Moore

Bishop Provenzano invites clergy in the diocese who have curates to a special gathering on Tuesday, May 20, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Mercer School of Theology in Garden City.

This meeting will provide an opportunity for shared reflection and discussion on the role and formation of curates within our diocese. The Bishop will also explore ways in which he and the diocese can offer ongoing support.