Creation Care Community October 5 Retreat Postponed

Massapequa Preserve, 2023. Photo: R. A. Griffith

The Creation Care Community regrets that due to unforeseen circumstances, our October 5 retreat, “To Hope and Act With Creation”, has had to be postponed. Please follow us here for information on the new date and format, which we will share as soon as possible. 

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

Using the theme of this year’s Season of Creation, “To Hope and Act with Creation” the Creation Care Community is holding their third annual retreat on Saturday, October 5 at the Mercer School, and is inviting all Episcopalians in the Diocese of Long Island to find where they fit in the urgent need to act on climate change.

“We see this as an opportunity for empowerment for action,” said the Rev. Dr. Matthew Moore, Missioner for Environmental Justice and Co-Chair of the Creation Care Community Leadership Team. “Too often the thought of the climate crisis leaves us paralyzed, with the fear that there is nothing that can be done. We want to show that not only is there hope, but that we here in this diocese can play a part in addressing and reversing climate change.”

The Creation Care ministry was formed in early 2020, and since then members of the team havebeen actively involved in spreading the word about the Christian responsibility to act on climate.

Fr. Moore has already visited over 30 churches throughout the Diocese to preach, teach, and invite Episcopalians to join in making a difference. The mailing list of those who have signed up expressing interest in climate action is now over 250, but the Leadership Team hopes to double this in the coming year. 

“The Creation Care Community Leadership Team has both clergy and laypersons from across the Diocese, and when we reach out, we find people responsive and willing,” said Rita Ann Griffith, Co-Chair. “Most people don’t know where to start, though, so our retreats have been our way of helping them to discern their roles, and bring in their church communities, for this existential fight.”

The retreat’s agenda will cover the following areas:

  • To Hope and Act with Creation – reflection on the Christian response to the climate crisis
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions (for instance, installing solar panels)
  • Advocacy (for instance, working on campaigns to pass environmental legislation)
  • Nature conservation and preserving biodiversity, including greening our spaces
  • Reduce/Reuse/Recycle (reducing our consumption at home and in our parishes)
  • Community engagement

Registration is free. Breakfast and lunch will be served. 

For more information, contact the Creation Care team at To registerfor the retreat, click here.