Ravi Ragbir, Canon for Immigration Justice in the Diocese of Long Island, has received a presidential pardon. Ragbir was facing deportation for a non-violent offense committed in 2001. In the statement announcing his clemency, outgoing President Joe Biden said of Ragbir:
“Mr. Ragbir has advocated for vulnerable immigrant communities and families in New York and New Jersey. Previously, he served as the Executive Director of the New Sanctuary Coalition, an interfaith network of congregations, organizations, and individuals that support immigrant communities. He has received numerous awards, including from the New York State Association of Black and Puerto Rican Legislators, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island. Advocates, religious organizations, and lawmakers commend his efforts to promote justice and human dignity.”
The Rt. Rev. Lawrence C. Provenzano, Bishop of Long Island said in a Facebook post responding to the news, "We give thanks for all who assisted in this effort. We are grateful to President Biden and his administration. Most of all we give thanks for Canon Ravi, his example, witness and faithfulness."
Ragbir and his wife Amy shared in a statement following the announcement, "We cannot express enough how grateful we are to have had you holding us up through these last many years. We are breathing deeply and freely now, knowing that we can move forward with our lives, we can plan beyond a few weeks ahead, we can fully experience joys and sorrows... We are still processing what it means to not live in a perpetual limbo, without threats of permanent separation hanging over our heads, but we know that we did not reach this place of peace without each and every one of you."
"Ravi has provided such courageous leadership to the people of our diocese and the larger community. I am proud to call him a colleague and friend. Having him and Amy at St. Ann & the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church with us this morning was a blessing. It was truly a joy to make the announcement about his pardon in the context of my sermon to a cheering congregation. Thank you, President Biden, for seeing the goodness in Ravi that we see," said The Rev. Canon Marie Tatro, Canon for Community Justice Ministry via a joint release from community and faith leaders.
For more about Canon Ragbir's story, see "Immigrant-Rights Leader Ravi Ragbir Wins Last-Minute Presidential Pardon" by the Indypendent's John Tarleton.
Image courtesy of Justice for Ravi Ragbir.