Important Information Regarding Parochial Reports – Due March 1st

Diocesan Shield

Dear Siblings in Christ, 

We understand that the recent changes to the parochial report, particularly the "revenue"heading, has caused some concerns.

We want to take this opportunity to clarify what is meant by "revenue."

We want to take this opportunity to clarify its meaning. In the context of the parochial report, revenue refers to all funds that contribute to the operating budget. This includes, but is not limited to, plate offerings, pledged donations, investment income, rental income, and property sales.

However, construction costs are not considered part of the operating budget and should be categorized as capital improvements.

Please be assured that the Diocese of Long Island is not changing how tithing assessments are calculated. Assessments are still based on the three year average of operating income, which is referred to as revenue in the parochial report.

Reminder: Parochial Reports are due March 1st

Parochial Reports absolutely MUST be filed by 11:59 pm on March 1, at which time the filing site will close and congregations will lose access to the site. This deadline is fixed by General Convention and is beyond diocesan control. They will not accept late parochial reports.

Timely submission of parochial reports are required to be seated at the 2025 diocesan convention. Bishop Provenzano will NOT be waiving this requirement. In order to have seat and voice at the special convention for electing the Ninth Bishop of Long Island in Spring 2026, delegates must have seat and voice at THIS November's diocesan convention.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact Camlyn Gravesande by email at, or by phone at 516-248-4800 ext. 116.


The Rt. Rev. Lawrence. C. Provenzano

Bishop of Long Island

Joy Frazier

Director of Finance