The recent announcement of the planned retirement of the Right Reverend Lawrence C. Provenzano was recently highlighted by Bart Jones of Newsday. The article highlights many of Bishop Provenzano's achievements, reflections from congregants of the Diocese, and some discussion of what is next for him as he enters into this next stage of his life.
"He declared the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island a 'sanctuary' diocese that would shelter immigrants in danger of deportation. He forged ahead with a slavery reparations program despite getting hate mail and death threats that prompted the FBI to send agents to protect him.
Now, Bishop Lawrence Provenzano has announced he is preparing to leave his post as bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island after 15 years here. When he departs in 2026, he will leave behind a legacy of progressive trailblazing that earned him both admirers and critics.
'It feels almost unreal. Didn’t we just get started?' Provenzano said in an interview. 'But I think it’s time. I feel like it’s good and it’s holy and I think it will be good for the diocese.'"
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