Reflections from GC81 - Bishop Provenzano on the Election of Sean Rowe as the Next Presiding Bishop


In an exciting and decisive vote, the House of Bishops has elected The Right Reverend Sean Rowe as the 28th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. The election, affirmed by the House of Deputies, marks a significant moment in the life of the church, ushering in a new generation of leadership.

Bishop Provenzano expressed his gratitude for all the candidates who stood for election, recognizing the variety of gifts they brought to the table. However, he highlighted the exceptional qualities of Presiding Bishop-Elect Rowe, emphasizing his 17 years of proven leadership, vitality, strength, intellect, and deep spirituality.

Rowe is praised for his ability to navigate and work through systems to benefit the ministry of the church. At a time when there is considerable confusion about effective church structures, Rowe's leadership is expected to enhance the support for dioceses and individual ministries. His skills are anticipated to bring a renewed emphasis on church structures working to support the wider ministry of the Episcopal Church.

As the church looks forward to Bishop Rowe’s transition and his seating in November, Provenzano believes that the new Presiding Bishop will lead the church in a new and promising direction.

For more news and reflections from the 81st General Convention, click here.

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