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The Adinkra Project - Exploring Christian Virtues in Asante Wisdom
Reflections from GC81 - The Rev. Hickman Alexandre on the Election of Sean Rowe as the Next Presiding Bishop
Reflections from GC81 - The Rev. Jason Moskal
Bishop Provenzano on the Election of Sean Rowe as the Next Presiding Bishop
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VIDEO: Bishop Provenzano's 2023 Easter Message
In the midst of a world that is still reeling from various kinds of disasters... we have the audacity to say 'Hallelujah, Christ is risen"
Presentation from the Department of Finance - Finance Ministry Seminar
Joy Frazier, Director of Finance, and Stephen Najarro, Senior Accountant, cover parochial reports, audits, and more. March 25, 2023.
Office of Human Resources - Finance Ministry Seminar
Nancy Signore, Diocesan Human Resources Manager, covers clergy and lay pensions, medical benefits, insurance, clergy offer letters, and more
Office of Stewardship Presentation - Finance Ministry Seminar
Canon Suzanne Culhane, Canon for Stewardship, covers aspects of parish stewardship, including tithing, basics for stewardship campaigns, and
Overview of Parish Administration and Finance Ministry in the Diocese of Long Island - Finance Ministry Seminar
Bishop Provenzano gives an overview of the diocesan structures, canon law, and New York State Religious Corporation law
2023 Chrism Mass
The 2023 Chrism Mass with the Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows and the Blessing of Holy Oils. Livestream from the Cathedral of the Incarn...
Uncovering Parish Histories (Report Feb. 2023)
The Rev. Dr. Craig Townsend, Historian-in-Residence, and clergy and lay volunteers will discuss their explorations of the history of their p
A Brief History of the Rev. Absalom Jones for Young People
A Brief History of the Rev. Absalom Jones for Young People, Originally Produced by Teddy Byrne for All Saints, Bayside
The Rev. Landon Moore Sermon - 2023 Absolem Jones Day Celebration
The Rev. Landon Moore preaches the sermon at the 2023 Absalom Jones Day Celebration, Saturday, February 11, from the Cathedral of the Incarn
Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Blessed Absalom Jones
Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Blessed Absalom Jones