Annual Vestry Update Form

Diocese of Long Island
Posted by Teddy Byrne

Every year immediately following its annual election, each church needs to submit to the Diocese a complete list of Vestry/Bishop Committee members including name, address, phone number and email address. The new media strategy of the Diocese is primarily web based. A majority of communications are transmitted via email & the website. For this purpose, we kindly request that the parish use this form and complete it electronically by computer (or at least typed).

Forms can be emailed to Deidra Beaman at (if not by email, fax typed copies to 516-248-4853).

It is important to have an EMAIL ADDRESS for each member to ensure they do not miss any vital notices; ask members to establish a free email account via any online provider (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc). If you have any questions, please contact Deidra Beaman.