From the Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs
"Episcopalians around the world and in various time zones gathered to welcome the Most Rev. Sean Rowe as the church’s 28th presiding bishop in a first-of-its-kind virtual investiture service, livestreamed Nov. 2 from the Chapel of Christ the Lord at The Episcopal Church Center in New York City.
Find links to the recorded service; worship service booklet; Bishop Rowe’s sermon; and event photos.
Rowe, formerly bishop of the Episcopal Dioceses of Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York, was elected and confirmed as the next presiding bishop at the 81st General Convention on June 26.
Soon after his election, Bishop Rowe requested a simpler, scaled-down ceremony of Holy Eucharist and Investiture to encourage wider church engagement and reduce carbon footprint. A limited number of in-person attendees participated from inside the chapel."
Photo: Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe receives the primatial staff from former Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on Nov. 2, 2024. Photo by David Rider / The Episcopal Church
Long Island Roll Call Video
As a part of the investiture live stream, the Diocese of Long Island joined with 106 fellow dioceses throughout the church to create "roll call" videos that celebrated the new Presiding Bishop and gave viewers a glimpse of the life of the church as a whole. Long Island's roll call video was filmed in the Cathedral of the Incarnation and featured the Rt. Rev. Lawrence C. Provenzano, Bishop of Long Island; Chelsy DeHart, Director of Youth and Youth Adult Ministries; the Very Rev. Cn. Michael Sniffen, Dean of the Cathedral of the Incarnation and Mercer School of Theology, the Rev. Cn. Karen Davis-Lawson, Rector, St. David's, Cambria Heights; and the Rev. Liu Chan, Curate at St. George's, Flushing. The forty-five second video highlights the rich diversity, racial justice initiatives, creation care, feeding ministries, and youth programming of the Diocese of Long Island.
View the video below.