Presbyterian and Episcopal New Yorkers Form ‘EPIC’ Local Dialogue
Posted by Teddy Byrne
Bishop Franklin, said "I believe the Holy Spirit has truly been with us to bring us to this place and prepare us for this ministry."

Letter from Episcopal Church leaders on Trump administration immigration executive orders
Posted by Teddy Byrne
"This vision of God’s kingdom, this new reality is the one to which we Christians are pledged in our baptism above any political preference"

Pastoral Letter from Bishop Provenzano
Posted by Denise Fillion
Bishop Provenzano to resign as Bishop in September of 2026, discernment process for ninth bishop to begin in early 2025.

The Most Rev. Sean Rowe invested as 28th Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church
Posted by Teddy Byrne
Episcopalians around the world and in various time zones gathered to welcome the Most Rev. Sean Rowe as the church’s 28th presiding bishop
Tags:The Episcopal Church